1 Week Pregnant (Day 1 to Day 7)
What happens to you? If you wish to become a mother, you should do the necessary screening tests before getting pregnant. This is a great opportunity to make some changes in your everyday life[...]
MORE2 Weeks Pregnant (Day 8 to Day 14)
What happens to you? Your period has ended and your body is preparing for conception. Ovulation which is the release of the mature egg from the ovarian follicle, is about to begin. The egg[...]
MORE3 Weeks Pregnant (Day 15 to Day 21)
What happens to you? Sperm swims towards the fallopian tubes. Millions of sperm cells besiege the egg. Only one of them succeeds to fulfill its aim! Fertilization accomplished! Egg and sperm[...]
MORE4 Weeks Pregnant (Day 22 to Day 28)
What happens to you? By the end of this week, you will know if you are pregnant. Take a pregnancy test. If the test is positive, you should see your doctor immediately. Morning sickness, nausea[...]
MORE5 Weeks Pregnant (Day 29 to Day 35)
What happens to you? Urine pregnancy tests are positive. Your body is beginning to change and the first symptoms (usually) appear. You might experience nausea, fatigue and breast tenderness. In[...]