11 Weeks Pregnant (Day 71 to Day 77)
What happens to you? The time for the nuchal translucency (NT) ultrasound approaches. This ultrasound measures the thickness of the fluid at the back of the fetus’s neck. There is an[...]
MORE12 Weeks Pregnant (Day 78 to Day 84)
What happens to you? In the twelfth week of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced. Nausea should be starting to subside and appetite returns back to normal. Make sure[...]
MORE13 Weeks Pregnant (Day 85 to Day 91)
What happens to you? You are now in the second trimester of your pregnancy. Nausea and fatigue have faded. Your uterus grows bigger and starts to protrude beyond your pelvis. What happens to[...]
MORE14 Weeks Pregnant (Day 92 to Day 98)
What happens to you? This week, you should have done the appropriate screening tests, i.e. hematocrit test for anemia control, fasting blood sugar test and urine test so as to detect any[...]
MORE15 Weeks Pregnant (Day 99 to Day 105)
Little by little, you can feel your baby move. Your skin might be darker in some areas, such as the nipples or the face. These spots will fade away after pregnancy. If you and your doctor[...]