31 Weeks Pregnant (Day 211 to Day 217)
What happens to you? Discuss with your doctor about the details of the labor, such as if you want an epidural anesthesia administration. You keep gaining weight. Bladder pressure gets more[...]
MORE32 Weeks Pregnant (Day 218 to Day 224)
What happens to you? Your delivery day is fast approaching! Start packing your hospital bag. Buy breast pads and a good bra. Your weight will be increasing week by week. You may feel[...]
MORE33 Weeks Pregnant (Day 225 to Day 231)
What happens to you? You are able to see your baby move. You may notice your feet, hands, face and ankles are swollen. What happens to your baby? Your baby keeps growing. It may have hiccups,[...]
MORE34 Weeks Pregnant (Day 232 to Day 238)
What happens to you? If you are expecting twins, maybe the delivery time has come. Do not get scared about preterm labor. Babies born from this week on are healthy. The placenta keeps[...]
MORE35 Weeks Pregnant (Day 239 to Day 245)
What happens to you? Your antibodies are transported across the placenta to your baby. See your doctor at least once a week and prepare for delivery. What happens to your baby? Lanugo has[...]